Fees 2024-2025

If a place is offered and you accept it then a Registration fee (£600, includes VAT) must be paid within a specified time, usually one week. If a place is offered at the beginning of the academic year but not taken up at that point, the child’s name will be taken off the waiting list.

School Fees for Reception Class

The school fees for the Reception class are £5050 (ex. VAT) per year (separate from the one-off registration fee).

Parents are also eligible for a discount off the fees via the FEEE grant (typically £1000-£1500 depending on when your child turns 5). The amount of the FEEE grant is determined by the LA according to the term in which your child turns 5.

School Fees for Years 1-6:

The school fees for the rest of the school are £4020 (ex. VAT) per year (separate from the one-off registration fee).

*Fees are subject to increase annually by at least 3% 
*The fees advertised is exclusive of any VAT that may be charged and subject to additional VAT the government may charge.


Parents are advised not to rely solely on their application to Noor Ul Islam Primary School but to also apply elsewhere as places are not guaranteed. Also note that the Noor Ul Islam Pre School is not an automatic feeder to the primary school. Attending the Pre-School does not guarantee your child a place at this primary school.

You can pay the £24 (includes VAT) application fee by bank transfer.

Pay by Bank transfer
Pay via bank transfer direct to the school account.
Account Name: Noor Ul Islam School Fund
Account Number: 60852813
Sortcode: 20-53-00

Please put your child’s name and year group as reference (please see below) and also email primary.school@noorulislam.co.uk to inform us you have made the transfer. Payment Code Prefix / Year group / First Initial and surname of pupil (not parent).


Payment type



Application Fee



Registration Fee



School Fees



Please note that when making payments for more than one child, you must make separate deposits and reference each one correctly. Failure to do so will result in an admin charge of £20 being applied.