Looking for answers about Noor Ul Islam Primary School? You’re in the right place! Whether you’re wondering about our administration, admissions process, or what the school day looks like, we have all the details for you.
The school is a part of the Noor Ul Islam Trust which runs also the local mosque and pre-school. The board of Trustees have delegated authority to the school’s board of governors. The governors are responsible for running the school. This is done through the Headteacher and his team of staff.
We treat each application on its merits. We cannot make any guarantee of place until the application process is complete.
The pre-school is not a feeder school to the primary school. However additional points are awarded when scoring the admission list to those who attended the Noor Ul Islam Pre-school.
We feel it is of great importance that our pupils learn how to interact with those from other schools, especially non-Muslims. Therefore there is a plan to run different events which allows this to happen. We have close links with other local school as part of the 3 Faiths Forum which is made up of schools from various religions where we hold linking events and our children get to meet and work with children of other faiths and none. Our teachers also interact and visit other local schools as well as other Muslim faith schools.
There are on-going assessments throughout the school. Pupils at the end of Year 2 (age 7) are given an end of Key Stage teacher assessment level. In Year 6 (age 11) pupils undertake the tests known as SATs. As an independent school our results are not included in any league table. However the school’s results together with national statistics are given for comparison. These tests are marked externally. Alhamdulillah our results have so far been above the local and national average. Please see our assessment summary for more information.
The school has teaching staff, assistants, Special Educational Needs staff, administrative staff, caretakers and managers. All staff are deemed to have relevant qualifications and/or experience.
The school does not promote one madhab over another. Staff at the school follow different schools of thought. We feel that at primary school age there is very little difference that children need to be aware of. However they are taught to respect the different schools of thought as long as the Quraan and Sunnah is followed.
We aim to teach the National Curriculum. We also teach Islamic Studies, Quran and Arabic throughout the week.
There is an admission form which must be completed and returned to school. You cannot register your child until they reach 3 years old. Applications received before this will result in the form being rejected. When a place becomes available all those on the admission list will be scored using our admission criteria. Parents of those at the top of the list will be invited to an interview and more information about the school given. If after this a place is officially offered, parents will have approximately a week to accept or decline the offer. Only when places are available and your child’s name is at the top of the list will we contact you.
The school academic year currently mirrors the calendar of local state schools, with 195 school days a year. However our school is usually closed for the end of Ramadhan and for the two Eids. Therefore some holidays are shorter than local state schools to compensate for the additional holidays.
Unfortunately the school receives no government funding. It is funded through donations and school fees.
If a place is offered and you accept it then the Initial Registration fee (£600 includes VAT) must be paid within a specified time, usually one week. If a place is offered at the beginning of the academic year but not taken up at that point in time the child’s name will be taken off the waiting list. The school fees for the Reception class are £5050 per year (separate from the one-off registration fee). The school fees for the rest of the school are £4020 per year (separate from the one-off registration fee).
The school is open to both boys and girls form the age of four to 11 years old. Being a Muslim is not a prerequisite of attending.
The school is based at: 135 Dawlish Road, Leyton, London, E10 6QW.