Noor Ul Islam Primary School is a school in demand, as the number of applications exceed the number of spaces available it is necessary for us to have an admission list. This list contains details of those who have shown an interest in admitting their children.
To add your child’s name to the list you will need to complete the Application Form and pay the £24 (includes VAT) Application fee (This fee is to add your child’s name to the list and does not cover any of the school fees.) We will then send you an acknowledgement of receipt via email together with a unique application reference number.
We also insist you read through our Application Information document before applying, as it contains helpful information.
If you do complete the application form, you must advise us of any changes when they occur eg address/telephone number, child attending the pre-school etc.
Read our Application Information document, then complete the Admission Form and pay the £20 Application Fee. You cannot register your child until they reach 3 years old. Applications received before this will result in the form being rejected. When a place becomes available all those on the admission list will be scored using our admission criteria. Parents of those at the top of the list will be invited to an interview and more information about the school given. If after this a place is officially offered, parents will have approximately a week to accept or decline the offer. Only when places are available and your child’s name is at the top of the list will we contact you.
We treat each application on its merits. We cannot make any guarantee of place until the application process is complete.
We will not be in a position to advise you on the progress of your application until a place is available. When a place does become available we will review the admission list for that particular class, assess applications and implement our admission policy.
When a place becomes available we will review the admission list for that particular class, assess the applications for that class and implement our admission policy. The following are some of the points considered:
-Whether the child attended the Noor Ul Islam Pre-School * (place not guaranteed);
-Whether the child has a brother / sister already attending the Noor Ul Islam Primary school;
-How soon after the child reached three years was the application submitted;
-Proximity to the school.
You will be invited to the school for a meeting. At the meeting, the following documents must be produced:
Once the meeting is held a place may or may not be offered to the child.
Applications for entry at Reception class follows a slightly different process:
Parents may apply for their child to start in Reception from the age of three. The deadline for applying for a Reception place is January 15th of the year that your child is due to start in Reception. For example if your child is due to start Reception class in September 2025, you must ensure your application is with the school (including the £24 (includes VAT) application fee) by midnight of January 15th 2025.
Once an application has been received the form is point scored against the admissions criteria (please see above). The children who receive the highest points will subsequently be invited for an interview with the admissions panel (ordinarily the Headteacher and a Governor).
Thereafter an offer may or may not be made to the parents in writing via email. Parents will be expected to respond to the email stating their response and proceed to pay the registration fee. If a parent is not successful at any point in the process their application will remain on the admissions list. If a place does become available then the next highest application on the list will be contacted.
This process will be completed in early March, before the deadline for parents to respond to offers from local state schools which is typically 31st March. We always advise parents to ensure they have also applied to local schools via their local authority as we cannot guarantee a place for anyone until the process is completed.
Parents who choose to extend their child’s time in nursery because they are summer born should note that we do not offer entry points into Year 1. A place is only offered in Year 1 if a child leaves that class. The offer of the place will follow our standard procedures as mentioned above.
The school reserves the right to amend its admission policy at any time. Please see our admission policy for more details.
If a place is offered and you accept it then a Registration fee (£600, includes VAT) must be paid within a specified time, usually one week. If a place is offered at the beginning of the academic year but not taken up at that point in time the child’s name will be taken off the waiting list.
School Fees for Reception class
The school fees for the Reception class are £5050 (ex. VAT) per year (separate from the one-off registration fee).
Parents are also eligible for a discount off the fees via the FEEE grant (typically £1000-£1500 depending on when your child turns 5). The amount of the FEEE grant is determined by the LA according to the term in which your child turns 5.
School Fees for Years 1-6:
The school fees for the rest of the school are £4020 (ex. VAT) per year (separate from the one-off registration fee).
You can pay the application fee, registration fee and school fees by bank transfer, or via our online payment system. Please see below for more information.
The school offers discounts for any siblings that join the school as follows:
The sibling discount for the second child is £100.
For those with three or more children, the sibling discount is £300 for the third child and £300 for additional siblings thereafter. This means, if you have 3 children at the school, you get £400 discount as below.
1st child: No discount (£0)
2nd child: £100 discount
3rd child: £300 discount
From the 3rd child every child gets £300 each. So if you have 4 children, you get £700 discount as below:
1st child: No discount (£0)
2nd child: £100 discount
3rd child: £300 discount
4th child: £300 discount
The pre-school is not a feeder school to the primary school. However additional points are awarded when scoring the admission list to those who attended the Noor Ul Islam Pre-school.